Thursday, May 20, 2010

When Isabella taught class yesterday, I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I didn't have a camera which was sad at first but then I realized I had to totally tune in to what was happening and become completely present so I could burn this memory on my brain.

I was amazed first when her teacher asked her on the spot to teach the class and she accepted. I was even more amazed as I watched her create a class without a plan. Even more impressed when she directed and led the class when they started to get out of hand.

This whole experience reminded me just how much our kids pay attention to us. I didn't recognize it as first but she was speaking and acting just like me! Even her little facial expressions and the words she chose - it was like holding a mirror up to myself at 7 years old.

Or better yet - a slightly more confident and evolved version on myself at 7 years old.

I have to admit that I am not sure what prompted me to post this blog. Pride in my daughter or an awakening of how important our jobs are as parents. They really ARE watching us - every minute. (gulp) Thankfully, this time, Isabella displayed some of the better qualities I have shown her!

I was also deeply reminded that our kids choose us to be their parents. They choose us for a reason. THEY actually have something to teach US. I know - goes against everything most of us learned as kids. But it's true.

This little angel reminded me of all the good and wonderful gifts I offer as a mom when sometimes I beat myself up for being less than perfect.

She reminded me of a side of me that is there, all the time but sometimes gets lost in tasks and "stuff".

She reminded me of how important my job is and to stay on my toes and be the best I can be as often as I can be.

And she reminded me about the wonderful gift of unconditional love every child has to offer.

Parenting can be challenging and daunting but when moments like this happen, it really affords us the opportunity to appreciate the gift we have been given.

Thanks Isabella for choosing me to be your mommy.

I love you!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Another call to awakening

I wasn't surprised by the recall on Tylenol, Motrin or Benadryl for kids. In fact, I wondered what took so long. Yes, I have given my children these medications countless times. In fact, my youngest is deathly allergic to nuts so I carry Benadryl around with me all the time.

But instead of being a shocker this was a complete wake up call. How many more wake up calls do we need really before we stop with the pharmaceuticals? Now it's not just the adults with health warnings, it's aimed at our kids which to me, is much scarier and it definitely makes me take notice.

I don't read the news - ever. It clouds my mind, but when something like this comes up I read it in it's entirety. The article said that the meds were not "up to American standards". My question is for how long has this been going on and why not? And how is "American standards" comparable to standards across the world when we are talking about medicine for children? I mean if we are America - big brother - how ARE we setting our standards? And why aren't other children afforded those same standards when it comes to medicine?

This is boggling my mind.

So I've attached a link to an article I found interesting that really made me wake up and do some research. But the one thing I couldn't find was a whole lot of information on natural alternatives. I'm not too worried about letting a fever run it's course. But when it comes to my daughter who is deathly allergic to nuts, I have got to have a reliable natural alternative.

So everyone out there, if you are reading this, and you know of some natural alternatives to allergy medicine for children, I would be so grateful to hear from you.

For everyone else, this is a wake up call in so many ways. Take a look at what you are giving your kids. They the future of this world. It saddens me to see the pharmaceutical companies have so much power when the power truly resides within us. Do yourself a favor, pick up a book on natural remedies....get as far away as you can from the drugs you don't REALLY need. Take back control people.

Thanks for your input.